Well, it is kind of ironic, you try to go on an internship in a Nordic country and you end up on the other side of Europe in the most Mediterranean country. Anyway, who says I don't enjoy it :).
There are things about Italy that I really love:
1. Art - really, there is no other country with such a deep history in art, culture and having so many masterpieces on a square kilometer :). And everybody knows that France sucks anyway...
There are things about Italy that I really love:
1. Art - really, there is no other country with such a deep history in art, culture and having so many masterpieces on a square kilometer :). And everybody knows that France sucks anyway...
2. Food - the famous PASTA is just macaroni that people eat for dinner (not with jam though) however the Italians have the most fantastic types of cheese in the world (I told you I didn't like the French, so don't even mention it). And let's not forget the great wine and the amazing coffee that can kill an elephant or wake up a dead man (it is not known how the dead man will drink the coffee and what will do after he wakes up, it's just an expression, you know). Damn Italians drink it for less them a minute and I have it for 10 minutes in order not have a heart attack (it is VERY, VERY, VERY strong).
3. Friendly people – Italians are one of the few European nations that are not overly nationalistic or suffer from cultural elitism. I am constantly amazed how incredibly friendly, hospitable, easy-going they are. In a certain way I think they are pretty much like Bulgarians but lacking the typical Balkan rudeness or malice.
There are things about Italy that I don’t really love:
Well…..who says life is perfect. I don’t want to bitch about it, as I told you, I really like it in Italy but some things are hard to swallow (or easy since I am Bulgarian). Watch that movie which makes a comparison with Italians and other Europeans and tell me, does it remind of something.
Italians VS Europeans
P.S. Some of these are actually true. Hell is a place organized by Italians, as you might have heard.
P.S. Some of these are actually true. Hell is a place organized by Italians, as you might have heard.
As a person who spent a little part of his life in Italy ...I think that I can say something about these amazing animals called ITALIANS , si :)
Scuza me, but except wine,pasta and THE Coffee ...which you have to drink like this UNO,DUE,TRE and BASTA you miss one very important thing-GELATO ,caro ...mmmmmm ice cream , give it to me ,baby :)
I can make a lot of comments against the italians really but most important is to see good points or ...forse , chi sa :)
La tua ...amica ...sempre :)
Cara mia, che peccato I still haven't tried the so famous GELATO (ice-cream for the mortals). Si, davvero :(! Reason for that is I still feel a bit sick and it won't be good for my throat. However I have carefully observed some Italians with addictive sparks in their eyes who wait for more then 30 minutes to get their favourite gelato. Must be worth it, I'll try it any time soon....
btw - Bo, you are the fist person to post a comment in my blog andf you get a special bonus next time I see you!
A dopo bellissima!
It's a great blog! Thanks for the useful information about Italians! I've seen this movie before and for me it also sounded much like the Bulgarian reality!
Hope to see u soon, and will definitely try this ice cream;o)
See u
Oh, its great to see the old amazing Borsi droping a line about , as it seeems, awesome experience. Hey, Plovdiv miracle, keep on writing to us- your way;)
Welcome to the blogworld! :)
I know this video! I think that they just have to replace the flag and it would completely fit to the Bulgarian reality. :-D
In fact, I've found a Bulgarian version: http://youtube.com/watch?v=uZ_u4QuiZxA
Uuu, che interessanti comments! Thanks for the useful information about Italians too because I intend to go to Italy very soon:)
Enjoy the life…certo with gelato but anche with le donne italianee…because you have to learn Italian very well from someone who is a native speaker:))
Saluti e baci!
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