Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pasta über alles!

One of the few successful events of my Italian existence - a nicely cooked, hot, delicious pasta! Usually my cooking is beyond terrible put this time I managed to make a simple recipe -just boil the pasta and put butter and tuna fish. I did enjoy it. After some time you start loving the pasta - Italians eat it all the time and I wonder how they don't get fat. On the other hand I have been trying to understand for 23 years why I don't get fat but all in vain. All guess it will all remain one of the big mysteries of our time - UFOs, pyramids, who killed Kennedy and I why the hell I don't put on any weight.
Anyway, who cares


Unknown said...

I think I'll have to introduce you to some serious ragù... :-)
What have you done to that poor pasta anyway? It looks a little too yellow... :-)

P.S. Really nice pictures

chocolato said...

Ha ha ha!
If I was to find a good reason that I still love you one good suggestion would be your sense of humour :)