Sunday, July 8, 2007


Once you start having good weekends out of town - you don't see the end coming. Saturday was devoted to camping and enjoying a barbecue at the lower parts of the Alps in Piemonte - in the surroundings of the twon Ivrea (which is one hour away from Torino). Of course a BIG THANK YOU to LC Torino for the great time and fun.After that we went for a while at the house of the LCP Samantha where I met the infamous rabbit Osvaldo:
We spend the evening at the really lovely and romantic town of Ivrea which was incredibly crowded because it was the annual festival and celebration of the town. When I saw the small cafes and all the Italians conversing and having fun in the streets it just felt that I am watching again "Roma" from Fellini. See a postcard attached for I have a series of too crappy pictures.
I had the most fantastic pizza ever - with proschuto and gorgonzola cheese (please, don't hate me!) and then a good cup of Italian coffee. I don't know how to put it in simple words but Italy is a country of sensual ravishment and series of culinary orgasms. I am beginning to understand what Dolce Vita really means!

1 comment:

chocolato said...

I guess u are right - for the series of orgasms, I mean :)