Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Today the Bulgarian medics that spent 8 years in a Lybyan prison were finally realeased and came back safely to Bulgaria.
For me this is a huge relief because it puts an end to this human, physical, political, ethnic, national and personal mess and tragedy. The 5 women were tortured and treated most awlfully in the Lybyan prison for whole 8 years and no mater what opinion people have, I am just glad that this is over.

A friend of mine today suggested that she is fed up with all this media attention because she thinks it's too much and she also believes that the medics, though not responsible for infecting Lybyan children with HIV, have other crimes. Whatever the case I just think no human being should ever abuse, torture, humilate and inflict pain upon another human being. The rest is just empty political chit-chat of people with no real problems.

1 comment:

chocolato said...

Well, the bad thing about it is that these poor people will continue to be used for the purpose of someone that wants to get the media attention. This is so sad...and sick.And, as a matter of fact I feel great pity for them , cause they might be alive, yet their lives are stolen...