Monday, December 17, 2007

"In the mood for love"

Oh my God, what a beautiful movie I have seen... "In the mood for love" by Hong-Kong director Wong Kar-wai. Anybody who knows me enough would confirm that love movies are not on my top priority list and Chinese ones don't enjoy a better reputation either. However the case with this one is different even to the point that I got so excited about it that I needed to post something on my blog (I mean if you have decided I am getting too swanky with all those travels in Europe, now is the time we dig culture)

The plot is quite simple - a man and a woman live next door and soon they discover that each of their spouses is cheating on them with their neighbour's spouse. At some point they try to recreate how their spouses' love affair started but they slowly begin to fall in love and seek excuses to spend time together. The fascinating thing about "In the mood for love" is that it is a love story that lacks the cheesy, sentimental element that you find in that sort of films. I would much more define this movie as simplistic and poetic - from colours, acting, camera angles and music. Almost everything is highly stylized and profound. I sincerely recommend this movie to anyone who has the nerve, time and brains to watch it.

1 comment:

@ロウ 。LOW@ said...

You've got two hell of an actor/actress - we grew up watching them - but damn it they doesn't seems to get old. But then old is gold?

Warm greetings from Malaysia :)