Friday, October 26, 2007

Back from Belgium

And here am I - again in Italy from my 5 day vacation in Belgium. I can write really a lot but here are the main things that impressed me for my short stay:
- awesome chocolate
- even more awesome beer
- a country devided in 2 by language - Dutch and French
- a country devided in 2 by mentality - Dutch and French
- a rather disappointing capital (Brussels) and some fantastic towns in the country - Antwerpen, Bruges, Gent
- biggest concentration of EU officials in the world
- I expected something big, major and Nordic but it was more like sweet, small and Mediterranean

Once again a huge thanks to Milenka who was my lovely host and managed to endure me for 5 days. Feel free to take a look at my pictures (sorry, no naked ones this time) and I hope you can capture the atmosphere of this lovely and unique country

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Even an adrenaline-driven chap like me can get stressed out - when I arrived in Torino I had 540 mails in my inbox (and they weren't spam), my boss was away leaving me in the deep shit, I had to move to a new apartment and I am still trying to recover from my "vacation" in Bulgaria. In other words, REJOICE ENEMIES - I am feeling alone, overworked, underslept, insecure and unlucky.

But THAT WAS until yesterday until a couple of good Italian friends took me to do some swimming and to sauna and hydro-massage. Today I feel like a totally new person taking it easy and feeling chilled-out enough to do some blogging. What I have learned is that if you don't take care of your well-being your bad-being is going to take care of you. Hope I keep it like that long enough. Mimka is coming to Torino this weekend and hopefully we'll have some fun around town. More to come...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Pics from my vacation

Hey guys, I have put in My pictures folder the photos from my vacation in Greece....NAKED ONES INCLUDED!!! If you are interested ... :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dolce vita and why I hate Alitalia

And here I come the magical land of Michelangelo, Fellini, Vivaldi and....ALITALIA!!! Bloody bastards did it again (I am talking about Alitalia now, not Michelangelo, Fellini and Vivaldi ) - after my unfortunate experience with me returning to Bulgaria when their shuttle-bus didn't arrive, they have managed to delay both my flights to Italy and what is EVEN more, they have lost my luggage. Of course they could not have suspected that I am one of the meanest customers in Europe, because I run on mad chase for calling them and filling complaints. Finally it all went well, I am in Torino in once piece and I have my bag. A little request to all my friends, if U see me using that company again....shoot me!!! Thanks for the cooperation!