Monday, August 20, 2007

The old man and the sea

It's total shame for me but I had the chance to read Hemingway's world famous novella "The old man and the sea" just now in Italy. Perhaps I expected so much from it that it came rather as a disappointment. I believe when something is widely regarded as genius you expect it to contain all other genious achievments that you have witnessed but rather it is something separate and individual. Though I liked the work, it didn't really strike me for there were too many fishing terminology(not really a fan) and a way too much symbolism. I also realized how much has been stolen from it for the writng of another more recent book: "The life of Pi". Let's just say that immitation is the highest form of admiration.

By the way - if you firmly believe that I am terrible snob and you are asking yourslef the question "Why exactly is he my friend?" let me show you something amusing. A promo campaign in the Czeck Republic for reading liturature classics. The poster depicts a Bay Watch scene with the title "The old man and the sea - read the story before Hollywood gets to it" :)

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